CRCD Enterprises IMPACT
Believe LA Partners With
CRCD Enterprises | AT&T

Since 2006, CRCD has been the City of Los Angeles’ lead provider of neighborhood & community beautification services for the 15 square-mile area representing South Central LA, City Council District 9. It all began with one City contract—to provide graffiti abatement and bulky item pick-up in our primary service area—funding a “Neighborhood & Community Beautification” department. In 2012, CRCD established the department as a separate social enterprise (CRCD Enterprises) with funding from Citi Foundation, Federal Home Loan Bank AHEAD, and REDF Social Innovation Fund. CRCD Enterprises became the street cleaning and exterior maintenance provider for the Central Avenue Historic Business Improvement District in 2016, specializing in high-tech sweeping, scrubbing, steam-cleaning, and pressure-washing along the 1.5-mile commercial corridor
Jobs Created
Through CLEAN LA
Entry Level Employees have gone through JET
(Job Engagement Training)
Jobs Created
2021 CRCD Enterprises Team Highlights
Removed more than 9,293,665 square feet of graffiti, reducing tension and violence in the community
Collected 65,142 bags and 57,724 bulky items totaling 1,257 tons of trash cleared from South LA streets
Cleaned and repaired 636,496 blocks of sidewalks throughout South LA
Changing Lives, One Job At A Time

CleanLA Public Works Program
Recently two CleanLA graduates from CRCD (Marzell Johnson and Marvin Nance) officially begin their Vocational Worker – Maintenance Laborer positions with the Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN).
We are proud to be of service to and partner with the City of LA and Angelenos most in need of an opportunity.